Introduction: When Can Probate Be Disputed in Texas? Probate is the legal process of transferring a person’s property and assets after they die. If you are named in a will as an executor, it is your responsibility to see that the probate process goes smoothly. However, there are certain situations in which probate can be...KEEP READING
Even with the simplified probate process in Texas, probate can still be a long, complicated process for some that can be enormously frustrating for loved ones who are trying to manage a deceased person’s estate. While avoiding probate may be the best option in some cases, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before...KEEP READING
The small estate affidavit is one of the alternatives to a full probate administration in Texas. It can provide a streamlined and inexpensive method for probating an estate. When is the Small Estate Affidavit Used? As its name implies, it is used for smaller estates with few assets. It is typically used for estates consisting...KEEP READING
Legal Terminology Letter Testamentary Documents that the probate court provides to the executor of the deceased estate in order to enforce the terms of the deceased person’s will. Texas Law For counties that lack a statutory probate court, all probate matters will be heard by the county court. If the probate matter is contested, either...KEEP READING
When you die, your property will generally go through probate court in order to be transferred to your heirs. However, there are some ways to keep your property out of probate court. If you want to keep your house out of probate court when you die, here are a few things you can do. Overview...KEEP READING